
Three Spirit Review

As far as non-alcoholic drinks go, Three Spirit’s original range are some of the best options on the market right now. I’ve been working my way through an array of 0% gins, ciders and lagers lately, as well as trying out some 0% wines – and I can honestly say that the Three Spirit drinks reviewed here sit firmly at the top of my personal chart for grown-up drinks choices that don’t contain booze (or the risk of a hangover).

Three Spirit Review
Three Spirit Review

WHAT’S THREE SPIRIT ALL ABOUT? When you visit the Three Spirit website, you’ll see words like “adaptogenic” and “nootropic” being thrown around here and there, as well as references to “functional plants”, “active plants” and “mood making”. I’m gonna level with you, I don’t think I’d ever actually seen the words adaptogenic or nootropic before I discovered Three Spirit, but the gist is this: something that is adaptogenic is believed to help counteract the effects of stress on the body, while nootropics are things which are supposed to improve cognitive function, improve your mood and/or promote relaxation. Three Spirit’s website says that their team includes “plant scientists, world-class bartenders, hedonists, herbalists and artists”, and based on what they’ve produced I can certainly believe it. What sets Three Spirit apart from other grown-up ‘soft’ drinks is not only the fact that their spirit trio isn’t designed to impersonate anything else. Though part of their charm and appeal is that they aren’t aping gin, whiskey or another type of alcohol, a big reason they’re proving so popular is that these drinks aren’t just designed to taste great. Social Elixir, Livener and Nightcap each make promises about their ability to boost your mood in one way or another, using the power of plants and herbs from around the world to make you more sociable, energised or relaxed. With many people reaching for alcoholic drinks because they feel that they ‘help to take the edge off’ a long day, or that they ‘warm you up' for social occasions, there’s an obvious appeal to a range of alcohol alternatives that brings you those benefits without the negative side-effects that come with drinking booze. All of Three Spirit’s products are 100% vegan, and their packaging is 100% recyclable as well as 99% plastic-free. Visit for reviews and information about each of the three drinks featured.

More Info: Read More Here

Three Spirit Review
Three Spirit Review

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